
Actionable Business Intellegence From

Astor Chocolate Corp.

Astor Chocolate Corp.
651 New Hampshire Ave
Lakewood, NJ 87015-452
Phone Number: 732-901-1000

Number of Employed: 150
Annual Revenues: $27
Corporate Email::
Business Start Date: 1950

Primary Contact : Jay Roberg
Primary Email:

Secondary Contact: David Grunhut
Secondary Email:

Tertiary Contact: Jay Roberg
Tertiary Email:
Tertiary Phone: 732-901-1000 1051

Quatemary Contact: Sarah Scheinerman
Quatemary Email:
Quatemary Phone: 732-901-1000 1012

Quinary Contact Person: Meir Grunhut
Quinary Email:
Quinary Phone: 732-901-1000 1008

Categories of Service

Chocolate and Confectionery Manufacturing from Cacao Beans

Confectionery and Nut Stores

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